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berlin, august 2013

eat acid, see god

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analog, februar 2013
einwegknipser farbfilm 400

this is survival of the fittest, this is do all or die

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brig, april 2013
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bremen, märz 2013

eat less sugar, you're sweet enough already

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jaqueline, gina, tim, timo & matse, zandvoort, august 2013
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ostsee, märz 2013
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schweiz, april 2013

have some fun and get loose with me, let it in your heart and set yourself free

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jacki, nathalie, gina & helena, zandvoort, august 2013

live well, laugh often, love much

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jelena & sven, sommer 2012
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berlin, herbst 2012
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berlin, herbst 2012

none of your scars can make me love you less

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bern, april 2013
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amsterdam, mai 2013

'cause i was just a half until i found you

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helena, zandvoort, august 2013
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berlin, herbst 2012

talk dirty to me

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analog, marco & olli, februar 2013
einwegknipser farbfilm 400
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zandvoort, august 2013

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amsterdam, mai 2013

nicht der sound, zu dem dein skateboard flippt, sondern der, zu dem dein skateboard bricht und dein kiefer mit

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analog, rock am ring 2013
einwegknipser farbfilm 400
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berlin, herbst 2012